Relay for Life Cape Coral

Florida Future Realty, Inc. was so excited to be a part this year’s Cape Coral Relay for Life.  The event was held on the football field of Ida Baker high school and decorated to resemble Mardi Gra.  More than 70 teams of local business participated for an amazing night.  Teams sold anything from food to crafts; there was even a tarot card reader in the tent next to us.  The Florida Future Realty, Inc. tent consisted of carnival like games for the kids
and a raffle.

Many of the teams brought tents to camp in, as the event lasted through the night into Saturday morning.   There was a comedian to provide comic relief, and a DJ that played through the night to keep the participants awake and walking the track all 18 hours of
the event.

There were thousands of attendants there for a common goal, to help find a cure for cancer. This year $132,000 was raised, which exceeded last year’s totals by a few thousand.

Cape Coral’s Relay for Life was a huge success.  We were so fortunate to be asked to participate in this event, and had a wonderful time supporting the cause.

While visiting our site please feel free to use our MLS search engine.

Yours in Success,

The Florida Future Realty Team


Relay for Life Cape Coral

We are hosting an event the end of March to raise money for the American Cancer Society’s, Relay for
Life.  The main objective of Relay is to raise money for cancer research and cancer patients, to spread cancer awareness, celebrate the lives of survivors, remember those who lost their lives to cancer, and
unite a community in the fight against cancer.  I am sure that we all know someone afflicted with this horrible disease or may have had to battle it themselves.  We at Florida Future Realty are joining the
fight against cancer, and are hosting a silent auction/skate party scheduled for March 26Th at Bamboozles skating and event center.  This event will be from 8-11p.m. and cost $10.00.
There will be games, door prizes, great auction items, and lots of fun!  Bring your friends and family and help make this event a great success.  If you would like tickets to this event please
contact Sarah at  239-223-1246.

We are still accepting donation for the silent auction, or if you would like to
make a monetary donation please do so at our office.

Some of the items up for auction include:

500.00 gift certificate to Ideal Image Piece of jewelry from Zack’s Gift Certificates to Carrabba’s,
Look-Like-A-Million, Designer Shoe Gallery, Pennington Steam Just to
name a few.

We also have gift baskets from many local retail stores.

Hope to see you there!

Yours in Success,

The Florida Future Realty Team
