Be Prepared For Hurricane Season 2012

Preparing for another Hurricane Season in Cape Coral

Another summer is upon us and that means daily rain showers around 3pm, sunshine and high 80 and low 90 degree weather perfect for the beaches, and hurricane season. It is important that in the very rare case we are approached by a hurricane that you and your family are prepared. We prepared this article in the hopes that it will help you be ready on that one day you need it most.


Have a plan in place for the entire family

  • Plan your evacuation route and share it with the entire family.
  • Have designated places to meet in case of separation during the storm.
  • How will you handle the pets?
  • Grab all important papers (Birth Certificates, SS cards, passports, credit cards, family pictures)
  • Be sure to have a single contact outside of the area for everyone to be able to communicate


Have a Supply Kit

  • Store many gallons of water in the garage in case of emergency
  • Nonperishable food (can foods)
  • Matches-lighters
  • Flashlights
  • Radio
  • Books
  • Source of entertainment (games, cards, magazines, etc)
  • Tool kit
  • First aid kit
  • Batteries
  • Gas cans (full)
  • CASH (atms do not work without power)
  • Couple days worth of clothing
  • Safe box with all personal documents/family pictures/ irreplaceable items
  • Special items


Do not be one of those people in the grocery store 12 hours before the storm hits, fighting with the little old lady for the last loaf of bread or last 2 cans of tuna fish. It seems that any time we have a named storm in the seas people get anxious and buy all the bread and water in site. Have your kit prepared ahead of time. We use those plastic storage bins that seal air tight to store our entire hurricane kit (besides the water and gas). Make sure the water is replaced yearly and the food is up to date. For more tips and up to the minute information visit .


Florida Future Realty Inc,

Search Homes up to Hurricane Code Standards

2816 Del Prado Blvd s #1

Cape Coral Fl 33904


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